10 Free Services That Medicare Provides



4. Diabetes Screening

If you’ve got a history of high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, obsess or have high blood sugar levels you can get a diabetes screening twice a year. You’ll also get free screenings if two or more of the following factors apply to you: you are over 65, are overweight, have a family history of diabetes, or you had diabetes during a pregnancy.

5. Colonoscopy

If you are considered to be at high-risk for colorectal cancer, you can get a free colonoscopy once every 24 months. Not at risk? Then, you can still make use of this free service once every 10 years.

6. Prostate Cancer Screening

You can get a free prostate screening once a year. But, a digital rectal exam with cost you 20% of the amount, plus doctor’s services on top. You’ll also need to pay the Part B deductible, too.

7. Vaccines

Under Medicare, there are 3 annual vaccines that you have access to for free. These include flu vaccines, vaccines to prevent pneumonia, and shots for hepatitis B for those at high or medium risk. Additionally, Shingles vaccines are covered by Medicare Advantage or with the Part D prescription drug plan.

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