10 Stunning Places Where You Can Retire for as Little as $200K

3. Nicaragua
$2,000 per month is more than enough for a luxury life in Nicaragua! Actually, you could easily manage with as little as $1,200. Need some perspective? You can fully stock up with groceries with as little as $30 per month. A beer at the restaurant costs $1,25 and a luxury lobster dinner costs about $15. Not bad, right?
When it comes to healthcare, Nicaragua offers top quality and low costs (especially in Managua). You can find hospitals that offer membership and tiered health programs which are priced according to age and specific health conditions. Overall, people aged 41-50 pay $50 per month, and those over 65 pay $65.
So, you’ve got perfect healthcare conditions, low living costs and fabulous weather – what else could you ask for?