8 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Home in Retirement

6. Can You Move Sooner Rather Than Later?
Instead of waiting until you retire, why not move now instead? If you’re still working, the transition could be easier to make, especially as you are still living from the money in your paycheck and not your retirement fund. If you work for a national company you could get a transfer until you find a local position that you like better.
7. Will You Be Able to Get Around Your New Area?
Picture your life 20 years from now. Would it be possible for you to get around using just public transport? Do a trial run, and test the buses and trains in the area you want to retire in to see if you’d be able to manage in the future without a car.
Is the public transport free? Is there a senior discount? Ideally, you’ll want to live somewhere that is accessible for retirees and the elderly. This might dictate your needs. Public transport is usually great if you’re traveling around the city center, but the situation might change if you live in the suburbs or outskirts of a place.
8. Is Moving Your Best Option?
If you decide to stay put, that doesn’t mean that you can’t fully enjoy your retirement. Your dreams of daily walks on the beach may be dashed, but there are ways that you can discover and travel. If you will have low living costs, perhaps you’ve paid off the entirety of your mortgage, then there is nothing stopping you from traveling during your golden years.
Lots of places outside of the U.S have very cheap living costs, and you might even spend less than if you were back in America if you got some good flight deals. After a long vacation, why not go to visit the grandkids? There will be nothing stopping you. Your retirement will be as fun and fulfilling as you allow.