10 Ways to Save Money on Your Healthcare Plan


6. Only Schedule Necessary Appointments and Procedures

From appointments at the doctors to filling prescriptions, healthcare isn’t cheap. And your healthcare plan will only pay for a portion of each expense. So, the best way to save money is to only visit the doctors when it’s necessary. Even though Urgent Care Clinics and video conferences with doctors are cheaper, they still aren’t free.

For example, it’ll save you heaps to choose a monthly follow-up visit instead of a bi-weekly one. Additionally, you might want to wait until next year to go through with a procedure if your health benefits have already reached their limit for the year.

7. Order Prescriptions from Blink

Most people think that prescriptions cost one price – the one the pharmacy sells them for. But did you know that you can save lots of money by ordering them online? By using Blink Health, you can take advantage of pre-negotiated prices and you might not have to even change pharmacies to do so.

You can collect your Blink prescriptions at 57,000 locations across the US. Many stores like Kroger, CVS, Walgreens and Rite-Aid work with Blink Health. This service stocks more than 15,000 different medications, too. You don’t have to pay a membership to use Blink, and according to its website, you can save up to 95%.

8. Choose a Higher Deductible

If your healthcare plan includes the option of choosing a higher deductible, it might be worth it for you to do this. Having a higher deductible will lower your monthly insurance payment. If your plan allows it, you could switch from a $5,000 annual deductible to a $10,000 one.

If you and your family are healthy and don’t often make trips to the doctor this can benefit you greatly. A lower monthly premium can really make room for some extra cash flow that you can put into your savings accounts or use to pay back debts. And, the combination of lower monthly payments paired with a high deductible is often cheaper than the reverse situation.

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