5 Money-Saving Challenges You Can Use to Boost Your Savings Account


3. Save $20 Per Shift

This is a great saving challenge if you do shift work, like waitressing. Often, those who work this type of job get paid in cash every time they work. After every shift, put a certain amount aside so that you can grow your savings. This money can act as an emergency fund, to cover you when you need some extra cash.

4. 365 Day Challenge

This challenge is similar to the 52-Week challenge, except that it’s daily. Though, this time you don’t need to save a dollar – just a penny. On the first day, you’ll save 1 penny, then on the second 2 pennies etc. If you do this every day for a year, you can save $667.95.

This is far less than the other savings challenges on this list, but that also acts as the appeal.

5. Save a Dime/Dollar/Whatever Challenge

The final challenge is a fun one. It’s as simple as picking a coin or bill that you like and saving it every time one is in your possession. Whether it’s a dime, quarter, one dollar bill or five-dollar bill, you can save without much sacrifice.

Again, it’s worth getting a large jar for this challenge so you can watch your coins or bills rack up.

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