5 Things You Need to Know Before Trying to Beat Alcohol Addiction on Your Own

2. Detox at Home – Where to Start?
At times, alcohol addicts try to self-detox a few times and fail. It’s a string of honest attempts that leads them to finally enter rehab. So, if you or your loved one decided to try detoxing at home, it’s important to do it right.
Remove Alcohol from Your Home
It may seem like you’re absolutely ready to open up a clean slate, but these thoughts will change once you’ll start experiencing the first signs of withdrawal. Avoid the temptation before it’s too late. Even if it’s an expensive bottle of whiskey – give it away.
Clear Your Schedule
You need to stay away from places, people or things that might trigger you to start drinking again. It might be that constant stress at work, or even friends who enjoy to drink casually.
When it comes to your work schedule, it might seem impossible to clear it out for weeks, but it’s absolutely necessary. Recovery is the only goal you’ll have for at least a week, so give it all your strength and attention. Consider this – a few days off won’t hurt your career, but a long-lasting alcohol addiction will be lethal in the long run.
Ask for Support
Your priority should always be safety. Even if you don’t want to seek for professional help, don’t shy away and ask for support. A trustworthy friend or a family member should definitely be there in case your withdrawal symptoms get too severe.