5 Things You Need to Know Before Trying to Beat Alcohol Addiction on Your Own

3. What to Eat During Alcohol Detox?
Let’s get this straight – home detox is not an easy process. You need to plan everything, including your diet. Obviously, food will be the last thing on your mind. That’s why you should prep, or ask someone to help you in advance. Food is a very important part of your recovery, because a long-lasting alcohol addiction highly affects your metabolism.
Focus on Hydration
Alcohol withdrawal comes with a huge variety of symptoms. You will feel dizzy, depressed and probably suffer from nausea or vomiting. That’s why it’s vital to stay hydrated. These symptoms will last for a few days and you won’t feel like eating. But don’t give up, lots of water, juice, warm broth and even ice pops will help you to deal with it.
Balance Your Diet
After all those days of struggle, your organism will need to recover. That’s when you should structure a well-balanced diet. To meet your calorie intake needs, eat healthy foods from a variety of groups in medium norms. Snack on lots of vegetables, fruits and don’t forget to include protein-filled options and whole grains.
Take Vitamins and Minerals
If you would go to a rehab facility, there’s a big chance you would be given prescriptions for medications. All those pills would help you to ease withdrawal symptoms, but at home, you’ll have to work with what you’ve got.
Due to constant consumption of alcohol, the level of toxins in your organism is higher than natural. That’s why you should consider taking vitamins such as B, C, E, calcium, magnesium and multivitamins.