8 Things Retirees Can Get for Free or Almost Nothing


2. Education

Now you’ve got lots of free time on your hands, why not expand your horizons? It’s never too late to learn, and many colleges and universities will offer seniors free or discounted classes.

If you live in Chicago, Michigan Technological University in Houghton offers two on-campus courses every semester to seniors for free. If you’re 60 or older you could pursue a degree for free this way.

Some universities also let seniors “audit” classes. This means that seniors are allowed to attend and learn, but they won’t receive any qualifications at the end of the course. That also means no exams.

Similarly, in Florida, the college system waives all fees for seniors. In fact, Florida has the largest adult continuing education program across America, along with the highest number of retirees. There are free educational courses in every state, simply contact your local universities and colleges to find out more.

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