8 Ways to Manage Your Money If You Earn Minimum Wage


6. Avoid Bad Debt

No matter how tempted you might be, don’t use credit cards or take out payday loans if you have no means of paying it back. Payday loans are very troubling, and what can seem like a quick fix at the start, will actually make your financial life even harder in the near future.

If you’re in need of some quick cash consider selling some of your possessions or getting a community loan. It’s a good idea to examine your utility bills to see if you could be getting a better price. We explain how you can do that, here.

7. Build Credit

These days, your credit score is used for much more than when you take out a loan. Instead, it can impact your ability to rent an apartment, take out a cell phone plan, and even get a job. So, it’s important to make building your credit part of your financial game plan.

If you’re not aware of your current credit rating, you need to find out so that you can start to improve it. You might have a poor rating, but don’t be discouraged as there are many ways to up your rating. If you’re serious about doing so, read 5 Ways to Increase Your Credit Score Fast.

8. Boost Your Earnings

Yes, this might be easier said than done. But, if you put your mind to it you can find ways to make extra money. Think about your skills and interests, could you monetize your hobbies? Or maybe you could do some freelance work-from-home? Or even a flexible gig like driving for Uber or Lyft in your spare time?

Another route to follow is taking online courses to improve your skills.

Many of these routes can lead to you out from a minimum wage lifestyle. The key is start by tackling smaller tasks, then slowly move onto larger ones like becoming debt-free.

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