9 Ways to Pay Less on Your Insurance Premiums


4. Ask for Discounts

You might qualify for a discount on your insurance, so it can’t hurt to ask. You might’ve heard that auto insurers will lower your premium if your child gets good grades at school. But, it goes beyond this. Erie Insurance offers a discount on homeowner’s insurance for people aged 46 and older. Other companies will offer credits to those who have earned bachelor’s or master’s degrees, too.

5. Consider Bundling

You might get a lower price if you buy more than one of your insurance premiums from the same company. Think about taking out car and insurance policies from the same firm, but don’t forget to examine each policy for the sake of a deal. Your new carrier might offer a better deal on car insurance, but if it doesn’t come with roadside service, for example, it might not be worth it.

6. Pay Annually Instead of Monthly

If you are able to pay the yearly amount up front, you will be able to get the policy at a cheaper rate than if you pay monthly. Savings are around $5 a month which might not seem like much, but it adds up to $60 a year.

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