How to Deal with These 10 Unexpected Bills You’ll Probably Need to Pay

3. Car Repairs

If you drive a used car, sometimes repairs are needed often and you’ve got no control over how much it could set you back. Our cars are often essential, and it’ll be detrimental to our lives if we’re forced to take an hour-long bus ride for more than a couple of days. If you happen to get stranded when you’re out on the road, but you have an idea of the problem you can use apps like RepairPal and AutoMD to give you a rough price of common estimates in the area. This way, you’ll have some prior knowledge before you call a mechanic, and you won’t risk getting overcharged for repairs.

To be prepared for surprise car repairs, it’s smart to save an emergency fund. Even putting aside $50 per month will soon grow, and stop you from taking out damaging payday loans and dipping into your credit. And if your car is running fine, then another emergency pops up, you can use your fund to help. Starting this fund will put a huge weight off your mind, because you’ll know that next time you are in need, you’ll be secure.

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