13 Things the Government Will Pay You to Do

You’ve probably got a tax refund before, but did you know there are some other ways to get your taxes back? The government needs certain services to keep the world spinning, and this is what a portion of America’s tax is spent on. From bee-keeping to driving an electric car, here are 13 things that Uncle Sam will pay you to do.

1. Raise Bees

Pay: $200 per hive, up to $2,400 per year

Not bothered by the buzzing of bees? The government will pay you, under certain conditions, to start an apiary through the Beehive Grant Program. The world needs bees to keep fragile eco-systems intact, and without these critters, many foods we enjoy today wouldn’t be able to grow. If you’re looking to earn some side-money, bee-keeping is quite lucrative.

2. Make Your Home More Efficient

Pay: Over $1,000 per year depending on energy rates and tax credits.

You can earn money to make your home more energy efficient and increase its value at the same time. By using green energy, particularly solar panels, you can sell extra energy that you harvest back to the grid. You can also get a 30% tax credit for installing solar power into your home.

3. Become a Lab Rat

Pay: Varies, with some tests paying as much as $10,000

If you’re in need of some extra money you can allow the government to do tests on you. Many universities and laboratories need people to do experiments on, and you can get paid thousands to be a human guinea pig. For example, get paid $10,000 to have your sleep pattern monitored.

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