18 Changes You Can Make to Save $200 On Your Monthly Grocery Bill

10. Buy Canned and Frozen
Canned and frozen goods are always much cheaper than buying fresh, and often they can be healthier too.
For your morning smoothies, you can save a handful of dollars by getting frozen fruit and berries instead of fresh ones. For healthier options, you can get canned fruit without extra sugar, choosing options that are with natural juices rather than syrup.
Another upside is that canned and frozen goods won’t go off anytime soon. This will lead to less waste, and you won’t lose any money by throwing vegetables in the bin that you didn’t use before they started to go bad. Unless there is a huge instance, where the canned goods will directly affect the recipe, you can save lots of money and not sacrifice on flavor. Say no to canned meats, but yes to beans, pulses, fruit, and veg.