20 Essential Tips You Can Use to Find Cheap Flights

There’s no feeling like scoring a bargain. Especially when it’s on something that is usually considered expensive, like an airline flight. From knowing the perfect time to book a flight to using certain search engine hacks. Use these 20 tricks of the trade to get the cheap flights at the best prices.
1. Clear Your Cookies
Constantly refreshing your window to see a price difference will only make the costs of a flight increase. The constant page views act as demand, and you won’t score cheap flights. Instead you should delete your cookies. Cookies are information that keep your details and which websites you’ve viewed. Click on your browser settings to delete them, and make the most of buying cheap flights.
2. Email Sign Up for Price Drops
If you sign up to flight provider emails, you’ll be the first to know of any sales, discounts or deals. Additionally, sites like Airfare Watchdog and CheapAir will spot the best prices across most airlines and let you know what companies are offering cheap flights.