7 Ways to Save Money on the Cost of Running Your Car

3. Downsize
Another great way to cut costs is to trade your car in for a cheaper model. Giving up your 6-cylinder in exchange for a 4-cylinder model could make a huge difference. Additionally, if you drive an SUV it’ll pay to swap to a hatchback, and cut down from a mini-van to a sedan is sure to save you money in the long run.
When buying a car, a lot of us are guilty of buying something that satisfies our wants – which usually turns out to be much greater than our needs. Consider how often you use your mini-van to its full capacity, or if you really need to drive a vehicle that goes from 0-60mph in 6 seconds? If the answer is ‘no’, then it might be time to trade in your car for a smaller model. By doing so, you’ll have a more fuel-efficient car that’ll cut costs on every road you travel down.